
McDonald’s Korea Chief Expresses Regret Over Burger Scandal

McDonald’s has come under fire after several incidents allegedly linked ‘undercooked’ burger meat to illnesses in South Korea.

A number of people in Seoul, blamed health problems on raw burger patties specifically from the Bulgogi Burger.

This included a mum who complained her five-year-old daughter suffered permanent kidney failure after eating an undercooked patty in a Happy Meal burger, Yonhap News Agency reports.

A group of primary school children and their teacher also allegedly suffered enteritis, which is inflammation of the intestine usually accompanied by diarrhoea, after eating McDonald’s Bulgogi Burgers.

The group in the southwestern provincial city, Jeonju, reportedly complained they had suffered the illness after consuming the burgers made with marinated meat at one of the restaurants on August 25.

Despite no official confirmation the Bulgogi burgers caused illness, McDonald’s have reportedly taken these off the menu.

“I deeply regret that customers who visited our restaurants may have experienced any related illness,” Joh Ju-yeon, managing director of the global fast food chain’s local unit, said in an English statement.

Bulgogi Burger has since been taken out of the menu.

It is the first time McDonald’s Korea issued an official statement regarding the patty issue that caused the company to take flak and face huge public scrutiny.

Joh said the company is committed to working with the local authorities in finding the truth about the exact cause of the disease.

“I promise we will fully cooperate with the authorities’ investigations to find the cause.”

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has launched an investigation to get to the bottom of the health scare.

Ditulis oleh The Buzzer/Editor

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